Team Outreach

One thing Cantina Crew always prides themselves on is their community outreach. Every year they add new events and keep traditions from previous years. Cantina believes community outreach is a key component of any successful team. To get involved in the community, they promote robotics through both educational and entertaining events.

Cantina Crew's biggest fundraiser and outreach event has always been Haunted Hallway. During their school's spooky Sunset event, Cantina Crew hosts a Hallway that people pay to go through. This event is looked forward to every year by within the school. The event promotes robotics as well as provides something fun for students to look forward to.

Carl Baker, an Enbridge Electrical Technician, has been a huge help to Cantina Crew this season. Cantina Crew is always accepting of mentors. Despite being a veteran team, they know that success happens not only through determination, but through collaboration and teamwork as well. Through Mr. Baker's Guidance, Cantina Crew has learned specific ways to fix problems, especially in a time crunch.

Cantina Crew loves their traditions. On the day of each competition, team members wear colored ribbons in their hair to show awareness. The colors change dependng on the month and what the colors align with. They started this tradition 2 years ago after learning how low the level of awareness for each condtion was. Since then, ribbons have become an identifier of our team and what we stand for.

Busy as they are, Cantina Crew never fails to make robotics fun. Every year during the High School Winter Formal, Cantina Crew brings Jabbs to the dance so he can interact with everyone. This allows them to promote robotics by showing their bot and all the neat stuff he can do. At the end of the night, the team gets together to take a photo so they can have the memories forever.

Being a part of the STEM Academy, which is a K-12 school, means Cantina Crew has many opportunities to connect with the younger people in the community. During Family Night in the Fall Semester, members of Cantina Crew helped represent robotics. They talked about what robotics is, why FTC is important, and how younger kids could get involved.

Cantina Crew may not know everything, but they are not afraid to give help where it’s needed. Cantina Crew went to OC Techs to mentor their robotics team and help with coding issues they were having. They offered their own code as a reference and gave advice based on prior experiences. Since OC Techs is a rookie team, Cantina felt as if it was part of their responsibility as a veteran team to help them learn the ropes.

To help with Cantina Crew’s social media presence, they’ve recruited two freshmen, Gwynn Huber, and Avery Hererra, to become our social media specialists. These members have learned how to use social media, the different techniques, and when the best times to post are.

Cantina Crew loves to show their upbeat spirits. They decorate their area during each event and set out candy that other teams can have when they come over. Cantina also puts together goody bags for their alliance partners to make sure they feel welcomed and comfortable being their teammates.

Cantina Crew couldn’t be where they are without the support of their teachers and sponsors. To show some appreciation toward them, Cantina Crew gives cards on special holidays signed by the whole team. They want the people who support them to know they’re appreciated and this is one of many ways Cantina Crew thanks them.